Scratch & Sketch Coral Reefs

Availability: In stock (5)
  • You won't need a snorkel, or anything other than the handy included stylus, to uncover the dazzling colors of coral reefs.
  • As you create undersea artwork, discover the creatures of the reef, from rainbow parrotfish to toothy eels to mysterious cuttlefish.
  • Learn how rays hunt, why clownfish live in anemones, and what happens in a coral reef at sunset. Dive on in!
  • This is a Trace-Along title! Young artists can simply follow the white lines with the wooden stylus to create colorful pictures.
  • Includes 20 trace-along drawings, with space for your own artwork and decorations.
  • Includes 20 paper pages for extra doodles and drawings too.
  • A wooden stylus for scratching away the black coating comes shrink-wrapped with the book.
  • Sturdy wire-o hardcover art activity book measures 6-3/8'' wide x 8-1/2'' high.
  • Ages 5 and up.
  • 64 pages.
  • Non-toxic: Potential eye irritant. Avoid inhaling particles of scratch coating. Not for children under 5 years. Meets all applicable safety standards.
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